A downloadable game

Famous Last Words is a solo journaling TTRPG in which you write your last letter where you recount your last adventure.

Your life had been a series of bad decisions. Always running from one gig to the next, you found yourself tired from surviving. That’s when you heard about THE JOB.
You accepted it and wished that it would be your last. So how did it go?

This game was created for the #1pRPGjam 2023. It is my first time making a TTRPG, so any constructive criticism is welcomed.
I hope you enjoy it!

The amazing cover art was made by the wonderful M.Kirin !

moontomes links


Famous Last Words.pdf 246 kB
Card Shuffler Links.txt 1 kB


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Jack, Jack, King, King, 4, 5, 2, 5.


I like the concept!  I want to give this as homework for my ttrpg friends so we give the letters to each others at our next meetings haha

Thank you so much! I hope you guys have fun and that everything goes well in your letters ahahaha.